No. Title Download
60 Hamid Naseem, Abdul Hadi, and Jul-Ki Seok, "Transformer Leakage Inductance Selection for Single-Phase Dual Active Bridge DC/DC Converters", 2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Nashville, TN, Oct. 29 - Nov. pp. 3641-3647, 2023.
59 Hamid Naseem and Jul-Ki Seok, "Triple-phase Shift Power-level Controller (TPSPC) for Single-phase Dual Active Bridge (DAB) DC/DC Converter", 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, Michigan on October 9-13, 2022.
58 Hamid Naseem and Jul-Ki Seok, "Reactive Power Control to Minimize Inductor Current for Single Phase Dual Active Bridge DC/DC Converters", 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 3261-3266, Oct./2021
57 Esmaiel Gandomkar, Hamid Naseem and Jul-Ki Seok, "Equilateral Triangle Modular Multilevel Step-Up DC/DC Converter for Offshore Wind Energy Systems", 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.157-163, Sep/Oct. 2019.
56 ByungGil Kwak and Jul-Ki Seok, "Three-phase Inverter Control for AC Motor Drives with Small DC-Link Capacitor fed by Single-phase Diode Rectifier", 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE), pp.6983-6988, Sep. 2018.
*************************** IEEE ECCE 2018 IDC(Industrial Drives Committee) 1st Place Prize Paper Award ***************************
55 Amir Parastar and Jul-Ki Seok, "High-Power Multilevel Step-Up DC/DC Converter for Offshore Wind Energy Systems", 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.4781-4788, Sep. 2015.
54 SeHwan Kim, HeoKyoung Park, Anno Yoo, Hak-Jun Lee and Jul-Ki Seok, "Soft-Restarting of Free-Run Induction Motors driven by Small DC-Link Capacitor Inverters", 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.4441-4446, Sep. 2015.
53 SeHwan Kim and Jul-Ki Seok, "Hexagon Voltage Manipulating Control (HVMC) for AC Motor Drives Operating in the Maximum Torque Per Voltage (MTPV) Region", 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.890-897, Sep. 2015.
52 Ali Gandomkar and Jul-Ki Seok, "Inductive-Boost Switched-Capacitor DC/DC Converter for Maximum Power Point Tracking Photovoltaic Systems", 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.5296-5303, Sep. 2014.
51 MingGuo Jin, Amir Parastar and Jul-Ki Seok, "High Efficiency Multilevel Flying-Capacitor DC/DC Converter for Distributed Generation Applications", 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.4269-4275, Sep. 2014.
50 Amir Parastar and Jul-Ki Seok, "High Power Step-up Modular Resonant DC/DC Converter for Offshore Wind Energy Systems", 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.3341-3348, Sep. 2014.
49 Jul-Ki Seok and SeHwan Kim, "Hexagon Voltage Manipulating Control (HVMC) for AC Motor Drives Operating at Voltage Limits", 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.1707-1714, Sep. 2014.
48 SeHwan Kim, GwangRok Kim, Anno Yoo and Jul-Ki Seok, "Induction Motor Control with Small DC-Link Capacitor Inverter-fed by Three-Phase Diode Front-End Rectifiers", 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.3584-3591, Sep. 2014.
47 Amir Parastar, Ali Gandomkar, MingGuo Jin and Jul-Ki Seok, "High power solid-state step-up resonant Marx modulator with continuous output current for offshore wind energy systems", 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.1709-1716, Sep. 2013.
46 SeHwan Kim and Jul-Ki Seok, "Discrete-Time Physical Limits-Based Enhanced Finite-Settling-Step Direct Torque and Flux Control for IPMSM Drives", 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.1794-1800, Sep. 2013.
45 SeHwan Kim and Jul-Ki Seok, "Comprehensive PM Motor Controller Design for Electrically Assisted Turbo-Charger Systems", 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.860-866, Sep. 2013.
44 YoungSun Lee, SeYoung Park and Jul-Ki Seok, "Modeling and Control of Average Input Current to Enhance Power Density for Three-Phase Interleaved Boost Converters", 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.4857-4863, Sep. 2013
43 Ali Gandomkar and Jul-Ki Seok, "High-Gain Resonant DC-DC converter Design for Off-shore Wind Power Applications", Wind energy Grid-Adaptive Technologies 2012, Oct. 2012.
42 Amir Parastar and Jul-Ki Seok, "High-Power-Density Power Conversion Systems for HVDC-Connected Offshore Wind Farms", Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp.737-745, Sep. 2013.
41 SeHwan Kim and Jul-Ki Seok, "Wide-Speed Direct Torque and Flux Control of Torque-Controlled IPMSM Drives", 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.3993-3999, Sep. 2012.
40 Sehwan Kim, Youngsun Lee, Won-Kyoung Choi, Mu-Shin Kwak, Young-Kook Lee and Jul-Ki Seok,"Maximum Voltage Utilization of IPMSMs Using Modulating Voltage Scalability for Wide Flux Weakening Applications", 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.809-814, Sep. 2012.
39 SeHwan Kim, Chan-Hee Choi, Jul-Ki Seok, "Voltage Disturbance State-Filter Design for Precise Torque-Controlled Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors", 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.2445-2451, Sep. 2011.
38 Chan-Hee Choi, Jul-Ki Seok and R. D. Lorenz, "Deadbeat-Direct Torque and Flux Control for Interior PM Synchronous Motors Operating at voltage and Current Limits", 2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.371-376, Sep. 2011.
37 Sung-Kuk Kim, Jie Shi, Young-Sun Lee, Se-Hwan Kim, Amir Parastar and Jul-Ki Seok, "Disturbance Decoupling Control of Voice Coil Motors for Precise Automated Manufacturing Processes", 8th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia, pp.2486-2491, May/Jun. 2011.
36 Sung-Kuk Kim and Jul-Ki Seok, "Online Broken Rotor Bar Detection of Inverter-Fed Induction Motors Operating Under Arbitrary Load Conditions", 2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.2479-2484, Sep. 2010
35 Jae Suk Lee, Chan-Hee Choi, Jul-Ki Seok and Robert D. Lorenz, "Deadbeat Direct Torque and Flux Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Machines with Discrete Time Stator Current and Stator Flux Linkage Observer", 2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, pp.2504-2511, Sep. 2009.
34 Kyung-Rae Cho and Jul-Ki Seok, "Induction Motor Temperature Estimation Based on High-Frequency Model of Rotor Bar", 2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, pp.1-7, Oct. 2008.
33 Ju-Young Jang, Chan-Hee Choi and Jul-Ki Seok, "Precise Torque Control in Flux-Weakening Operation of Surface-Mounted PM Motor with Magnetic Saliencies", 2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, pp.1-5, Oct. 2008.
32 Young-Su Kwon, Jeong-Hum Lee, Sang-Ho Moon, Byung-Ki Kwon, Chang-Ho Choi and Jul-Ki Seok, "Standstill Parameter Identification of Vector-Controlled Induction Motor Using Frequency Characteristics of Rotor Bars", 2008 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, pp.1-7, Oct. 2008.
31 Kyung-Rae Cho and Jul-Ki Seok, "Robust Measurement Disturbance Observer Design for AC Motor Drive Systems with Current Measurement Errors", 2007 7th Internatonal Conference on Power Electronics, pp.1208-1207, Oct. 2007.
30 Chan-Hee Choi and Jul-Ki Seok, "Pulsating Signal Injection-Based Sensorless Control of PMSM Using Injection Axis Switching Scheme Without Additional Offline Commissioning Test", 2007 IEEE Industry Applications Annual Meeting, pp.2365-2370, Sep. 2007.
29 Kyung-Rae Cho and Jul-Ki Seok, "Pure Integration-Based Stator Flux Acquisition of AC Drives at Low Stator Frequency", 2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference, Vol. 2, pp.1148-1153, May. 2007.
28 Chan-Hee Choi and Jul-Ki Seok, "Pulsating Signal Injection-Based Axis Switching Sensorless Control of PMSM for Minimal Zero Current Clamping Effects", 2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference, Vol. 1, pp.220-224, May. 2007.
27 Young-Su Kwon, Chan-Hee Choi and Jul-Ki Seok, "Minimization of Rotor Position Detection Error Due to Zero-Current-Clamping Effect in Pulsating Carrier-Signal Injection-Based Sensorless Drives", APEC 07 - Twenty-Second Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp.838-844, Feb/Mar. 2007.
26 Kyung-Rae Cho and Jul-Ki Seok, "Correction on Current Measurement Errors for Accurate Flux Estimation of AC Drives at Low Stator Frequency", APEC 07 - Twenty-Second Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp.845-850, Feb/Mar. 2007.
25 Chan-hee Choi, Jul-ki Seok, "Compensation of Zero-CurrentClamping Effects for Sensorless Drives Based on High-Frequency Signal Injection", Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Forty-First IAS Annual Meeting, Vol. 5, pp.2466-2471, Oct. 2006.
24 Chan-Hee Choi, Kyung-Rae Cho and Jul-Ki Seok, "Inverter Nonlinearity Compensation in the Presence of Current Measurement Errors and Switching Device Parameter Uncertainties", 2006 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp.1-7, Jun. 2006.
23 Kyung-Rae Cho, Tai-Sik Hwang, Jul-Ki Seek and Dong-Hun Kim, "Initial Position Estimation for Closed-loop Linear Hybrid Stepping Motor Drives using DC Current Excitation", 2006 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, pp.1-6, Jun. 2006.
22 Tai-Sik Hwang, Jul-Ki Seok and Dong-Hun Kim, "High performance control of π/4-multiple-pitched linear hybrid stepping motor with ripple force compensator", 31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON 2005., pp.6, Nov. 2005.
21 Kyung-Rae Cho, Jul-Ki Seok and Dong-Choon Lee, "Applications of Mechanical Parameter Identification with Support Vector Machine for AC Motor Control System", 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2004. IECON 2004, Vol. 3, pp.2110-2115, Nov. 2004.
20 A.G. Abo-Khalil, Hyeong-Gyun Kim, Dong-Choon Lee and Jul-Ki Seok, "Maximum output power control of wind generation system considering loss minimization of machines", 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2004. IECON 2004, Vol. 2, pp.1676-1681, Nov. 2004.
19 Jong-Kun Lee, Jul-Ki Seok and Dong-Choon Lee, "Unified active power filters for source unbalance/current harmonics compensation and power factor correction", 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2004. IECON 2004, Vol. 1, pp.540-545, Nov. 2004.
18 Jul-Ki Seok and Dong-Choon Lee, "Frequency spectrum-based antiwindup compensators for high performance induction motor drives", 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2004. IECON 2004, Vol. 1, pp.74-79, Nov. 2004.
17 Jong-Kun Lee and Jul-Ki Seok, "A New Back-EMF based Sensorless Speed Control of Non-salient Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor", ICPE논문집, pp.139-144, Oct. 2004.
16 Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil, Dong-Choon Lee, Jul-Ki Seok, Jong-Woo Choi and Heung-Geun Kim, "Maximum power point tracking controller connecting PV system to grid", ICPE논문집, pp.84-88, Oct. 2004.
15 A.G. Abo-Khalil, Dong-Choon Lee and Jul-Ki Seok, "Variable speed wind power generation system based on fuzzy logic control for maximum output power tracking", 2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37551), Vol. 3, pp.2039-2043, Jun. 2004.
14 Jong-Kun Lee, Jul-Ki Seok and Dong-Choon Lee, "Sensorless speed control of nonsalient permanent-magnet synchronous motor using rotor-position-tracking PI controller", 2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37551), Vol. 5, pp.4024-4029, Jun. 2004.
13 Kyung-Rae Cho, Jul-Ki Seok and Dong-Choon Lee, "Mechanical Parameter Identification of Servo Systems using Robust Support Vector Regression", 2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37551), Vol. 5, pp.3425-3430, Jun. 2004.
12 Hyeung-Gyun Kim, Dong-Choon Lee, Jul-Ki Seok and G-Myoung Lee, "Stand-alone wind power generation system using vector-controlled cage-type induction generators", Sixth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 2003. ICEMS 2003., Vol. 1, pp.289-292, Nov. 2003.
11 Sang-Gyu Bae, Jul-Ki Seok and Dong-Choon Lee, "Automatic P/PI Speed Control Mode Switching for Industry Servo Applications", Sixth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 2003. ICEMS 2003., Vol. 2, pp.502-505, Nov. 2003.
10 Jong-Kun Lee, Sang-Gyu Bae, Jul-Ki Seok, Dong-Choon Lee and Heung-Geun Kim, "Sensorless control of nonsalient permanent magnet synchronous motor drives using rotor position tracking PI controller", Sixth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 2003. ICEMS 2003., Vol. 2, pp.522-525, Nov. 2003.
9 Dong-Choon Lee, Kang-Ju Lee, Jul-Ki Seok and Jong-Woo Choi, "On-Line Capacitance Estimation of DC-Link Electrolytic Capacitor by Input Current Injection for ac/dc PWM Converters", EPE 2003, Toulouse, France, 10th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Sep. 2003.
8 Jul-Ki Seok, Kyung-Tae Kim, Dong-Choon Lee, Ho-Sun Yoo and Dong-Il Kim, "Automatic P/PI speed control for industry servo drives using on-line spectrum analysis of torque command", 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ( Cat. No.03TH8692), Vol. 1, pp.216-221, Jun. 2003.
7 Dong-Choon Lee, Tae-Yun Kim, G-Myoung Lee and Jul-Ki Seok, "Low-Cost Single-Phase to Three-Phase PWM AC/DC/AC Converters without Source Voltage Sensor", 2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2002. IEEE ICIT '02., Vol. 2, pp.792-797, Dec. 2002.
6 Young-Wook Park, Dong-Choon Lee and Jul-Ki Seok, "Spectral analysis of DC link ripple currents in three-phase AC/DC/AC PWM converters feeding AC machines", IECON'01. 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (Cat. No.37243), Vol.2, pp.1055-1060, Nov/Dec. 2001.
5 Young-Wook Park, Dong-Choon Lee and Jul-Ki Seok, "DC Link Currents in Frequency Domain for Three-Phase AC/DC/AC PWM Converters", ICPE논문집, pp.169-173, Oct. 2001.
4 Jul-Ki Seok and Seung-Ki Sul, "Induction motor parameter tuning for high performance drives", Conference Record of 1998 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. Thirty-Third IAS Annual Meeting (Cat. No.98CH36242), Vol. 1, pp.633-639, Oct. 1998.
3 Jul-Ki Seok, Dae-Woong Chung, Seung-Ho Song, Seung-Ki Sul, Byung-Ki Kwon, Ga-Woo Park, Won-Chang Shin, Eung-Sang Cho, Jin-Seop Lee and Chang-Ho Choi, "A new approach to advanced cold mill drive systems", IAS '97. Conference Record of the 1997 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Thirty-Second IAS Annual Meeting, Vol. 3, pp.2125-2130, Oct. 1997.
2 Jul-Ki Seok and Seung-Ki Sul, "Optimal flux selection for maximum torque operation of an induction machine in the flux weakening region", PESC97. Record 28th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. Formerly Power Conditioning Specialists Conference 1970-71. Power Processing and Electronic Specialists Conference 1972, Vol. 2, pp.1309-1314, Jun. 1997.
1 Jul-Ki Seok and Seung-Ki Sul, "Optimal flux selection of an induction machine for torque maximization", 1997 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference Record, pp.TB3/2.1-TB3/2.3, May.1997.